Esta es mi participación para el show DEM BONEZ "The Reconstruction" Curado por Mr. Den y Nemo, El Toy a modificar es una pieza diseñada por la leyenda, el bien llamado padrino del graffitti, Richie "SEEN" Mirando, Lo que quise hacer con esta pieza fue mantener el concepto original y hacerle un homenaje a Seen, no solo esculpí practicamente todo el esqueleto, el detalle mas importante fue agregarle al cráneo una pequeña barba de candado y el ceño fruncido, ambos característicos de Richie, una lata de spray Chauskoskis y una base muy sencilla en madera con un clásico graffiti del maestro Seen. Mi tributo a una leyenda viviente.
Y lo mejor de todo es que tuve oportunidad de hacer algo que diferente a lo que me suelen ver, y que muchos creen que es mi estilo. La verdad es que no tengo un estilo o al menos así me gusta pensar, hay mucho de quien aprender e inspirarse.
This is my piece for the show: DEM BONEZ "The Reconstruction" curated by Mr Den and Nemo, As you probably see on my flickr the base toy was THIS ONE designed by Graffitti legend Richie SEEN Mirando also called the grandfather of graffitti, so my take on this one was pretty simple, pay tribute to the man himself! so basically what i did was add some features on the skull to make it look like Richie, his classic beard and the wrinkled brows, obviously i sculpt a complete skeleton, a Chauskoskis Spray can and a very simple wood base with some graffitti print by Seen. the paint job also simple, yet expressive. So this is my deadly tribute to a living legend.
The best part on this is that i have the chance to show you a different style, sometimes people think this or that is your style, but the fact is that i like to believe that i dont have any, got too much on my head and too much inspiration around, that would be crazy to stick to just the things that work for you in the past. Hope you like it and hope you expect to see more of this in the future.