Antes de tener el robolucha en mis manos hice este "sketch" en photoshop de la idea basica que tenia en mente, de este nacio el fishman que ya conocen, pense que les gustaria verlo :D
Before i got the real Robolucha, i draw a bit on paper then to see the colors and basic ideas i get a pic from the web of a blank robolucha and make this, so the final Fishman was born from this.. i think it could be fun for you to see it :D

Detalle... Close up

^____^ I just love your art! I like this blog!
txs a lot Manola for leave a comment and for passing by... thats always cool to know waht think the people who see my stuff...
Oh and txs for join! when i reach 100 followers will be surprises for you guys! but first i must finish my customs for the 50 followers raffle :P
i gess this week i finish them :D
I love to comment!
especially when I see something I like so much! you are absolutely right: it's beautiful compare with views of the people! Ehi! Only 30 followers to 100! ^______^
Thank you too for your comment!
See you soon!
Una muy buena técnica para hacer un sketch, te debio haber ayudado muchisimo para llegar al resultado final.. Suerte mi buen Chaus ahi me avisa cuando le lleguen sus SoMi's ;)
Hey man,
Muy buenas chambakus,
con que material trabajas tus personajes para el moelado y eso?
en específico el Dr, Malvado, se ve muy bien la textura del material, ese con que esta hecho?
saludos y respect
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