I had the pleasure to be invited to the Show"When the Hell Freezes Over" by My Plastic Heart and Lou Pimentel, bigger was my surprise when i see the small list of guests artists! i the only amateur there big names and great artists! hope my guy can be at the level of the other guys :)
Es para hacer un custom sobre el personaje de Lou "Cranston fellows Jr" fue mas grande mi sorpresa cuando se reveló la lista final y vi que solo somos 15 invitados! yo por supuesto el único desconocido jaja espero estar a la altura de la ocasión. pronto podre mostrar el mío :)

myplasticheart presents "When Hell Freezes Over" a custom show featuring Cranston Fellows Jr. Created by artist Lou Pimentel, Cranston is taken to new heights by being reimagined through the eyes of 15 of the top painters and customizers in the designer toy industry. The artist list includes: 64 Colors,Chauskoskis, Dacosta!, Doktor A, kaNO, Jeremiah Ketner, Leecifer, Jason Limon, Nemo, Brent Nolasco, Lou Pimentel, Reactor-88, Scribe, Julie West and N.C. Winters.
myplasticheart asks you all to join them at the opening reception on January 8th from 6-9PM. Many of the participating artists will be in attendance to chat and sketch.
myplasticheart asks you all to join them at the opening reception on January 8th from 6-9PM. Many of the participating artists will be in attendance to chat and sketch.