Other one in process LOL this one is for a little personal project im workin, yes, is about "luchadores" some of you may think "enough of lucha libre!!!" but as mexicans its almost impossible not used this as a a common inspiration... in my case since 5 years old till i was like 15 i was big lucha libre fan, so ill be doing luchadores for a while ... ;)
Otro mas en proceso... este lo estoy disfrutando mucho ya que es para un pequeño proyecto personal... ya veran :P
SI... sera un luchador... no es falta de ideas, mucha gente comenta que ya basta de luchadores (en el mundo del custom) pero yo creo que como mexicanos es casi imposible no usar y disfrutar hacer uno que otro luchador :D

Wow! Great sculpt for the head!
txs for passing by Krak :) !
lately i havent the time to be more on the forum... :S
Cocker Spaniel luchadore? Beautiful work, as always.
LOL now that you mention it, yes. it does look like a spaniel! but this guy is mean! :P txs for be around!
se me ahce que te traigo a gdl a que nos des un curso de modelado
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