My english is rubish so you might want to check out for the wonderful cover up that Vinylpulse did on this work. Thanks Jack.
"The Queen is missing" Is a complete set, i made for the WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE a 7 man show, starting today and a full month at Screaming Sky Gallery in Portland USA.
I see it like this: if my world is collides with the world of guys like F-plus, K Gosselin, DrilOne, Map Map , ZAm and Nervisw3k, then i need some guys to fight back, so i came up with this chess idea . "The Queen is missing!" O´right, i twist it a lil bit :) no Horses but Pigs, and no towers but big apes... maybe it doesnt make any sense this mix of creatures, but i decide to have some fun , just like i use to do as child, not worrying about looking good to people or make super clean or detailed sculpts. just have a little game in my mind... imagine this Gorillas droping those Handmade granades to enemies, and the pigs attacking with those corn hammers... hell thats FUN!
You can see theres no queen right now, but she will show up at some point ... (another twist here) if a buyer decide to save the queen, he should make a leap of faith with me, and the queen will be made as a comission (which i dont take very often) so i think it can be fun to be in contact with the buyer and make a personilized OG sculpt.
Mi participación para el Show WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE (DrilOne, Zam, F-Plus, Kevin Gosselin, Nerviswr3k Map Map y su servidor.)
El show es en Screaming sky gallery en Portland Oregon, USA. empieza Hoy y dura la exhibición todo un mes.
Mi idea fue hacer un pequeño ejercito, y de ahí la idea del ajedrez fue inmediata... no quise concentrarme tanto en la calidad de la escultura o la pintura (además de que el tiempo se me vino encima y se convirtió en una limitante) lo principal fue pasar un buen rato con los personajes, tal y como lo hacia de niño con mi plastilina, hacer lo primero que se me ocurriera, sin importar si tiene sentido que el rey es una rana o que lo que deberían de ser caballos y torres son puercos con martillos en forma de mazorca o un mandril y un gorila en lugar de torres. se complementan con un par de cocodrilos que hace de consejeros (alfiles) y un puñado de Dunnys customizados convertidos en peones anfibios.
La reina? esta perdida. si alguien desea rescatarla puede contactarme para hacer una única comisión, al gusto del interesado. No sera custom, si no una Chauskoskis 100% original.

dude, these are so fantastically awesome! very nice sculpting on all of them and the vibrant colours make them that much more outstanding. keep it up my friend
Wow! such a variety of interesting characters.
Great work, Chauskoskis!
Awesome, awesome, awesome work. Great idea and beautifully executed fella.
HEY DORY! TXS! how are you bro? now im heading to your blog to see some of your new candy!
Krakit! thank you so much buddy! glad you like this! :)
Ian! whats up man? what you are up to now? you been quite, thanks for the support!
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