La idea de este show es basarse o inpirarse o reinterpretar los viejos juego de video, en particular los ochenteros... habia mucha tela de donde cortar, podria ser pintura custom digital etc, yo al final decidi hacer una escultura desde cero basada en uno de los personajes de un juego llamado "China Gate" este no es uno de los personajes principales si no uno de los enemigos de los Heroes... tiene cierto parecido a un personaje sacado de warcraft o a blanka de street fighter jaja pero pues estos dos son posteriores a este.
The idea is use as inspiration the old arcade games from the 80's
So many good ideas but in the end i decide to do a original sculpt from a character from the "China Gate" game produced by the same guys who did the classic Double Dragon, this isnt the main character of the game but one of the bosses.. hope you like it
So many good ideas but in the end i decide to do a original sculpt from a character from the "China Gate" game produced by the same guys who did the classic Double Dragon, this isnt the main character of the game but one of the bosses.. hope you like it

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