El primer "teaser" de Toy2R de la serie 1 de Skelanimals x Qee ya esta circulando por ahí, aca se los dejo y les comento que esten atentos a la segunda serie que se planea para invierno de este año más sorpresas ;)
TOY2R-PRESS: With the Licensing Show taking place this week in Las Vegas, it’s only right that Toy2Rdrops this advance look at the lineup of designs from the cast of international artists participating in theSkelanimals Qee Project. Each designer was asked to submit designs of their own interpretation of Skelanimals using the Qee platform. To bring both worlds closer together, Toy2R has worked closely with the Skelanimals team to create the core characters in Qee form.
Series 1 will feature the Skelanimals characters Chungkee and Marcy as the platforms for design. Series 2, planned for the winter, will feature Dax, Kit and Jack, all in Qee form. And just like regular Qees, each figure will include a keychain attachment!
Series 1 will include designs by Jon-Paul Kaiser, Reactor 88, Julie West, Lunabee, Frank Mysterio, Jim Koch, Chauskoski and Voltaire. There will also be variant chase versions inserted randomly int he 25pc counter displays, as well as original classic styles of each Skelanimal character. [CLICK THRU for full teaser ad]
Toy2R expects to drop Series 1 of the Skelanimals Artist Qee Collection in late July to early August. Early word has it that there will be some exclusive pre-launch figures available during this year’s SDCC event to wake the dead! Expect the blind boxed assortment to retail for about US$9.99 each.
Series 1 will feature the Skelanimals characters Chungkee and Marcy as the platforms for design. Series 2, planned for the winter, will feature Dax, Kit and Jack, all in Qee form. And just like regular Qees, each figure will include a keychain attachment!
Series 1 will include designs by Jon-Paul Kaiser, Reactor 88, Julie West, Lunabee, Frank Mysterio, Jim Koch, Chauskoski and Voltaire. There will also be variant chase versions inserted randomly int he 25pc counter displays, as well as original classic styles of each Skelanimal character. [CLICK THRU for full teaser ad]
Toy2R expects to drop Series 1 of the Skelanimals Artist Qee Collection in late July to early August. Early word has it that there will be some exclusive pre-launch figures available during this year’s SDCC event to wake the dead! Expect the blind boxed assortment to retail for about US$9.99 each.

Te felizito mi Walter! Te lo merezes amigo! Ojala esto sea lo primero de muchos mas exit0s pa ti
Dispensa, el comment anterior era mio pero no le puse bomber! Sorrillo
Congrats mate, you deserve it! ;-)
@Nerviswr3k jaja me sono conocido el primer mensaje pero como no estaba firmado, me confundio jaja
Muchas gracias carnal Nervis, ojala sea un buen año para los dos, y pa los compas chambeadores
@Denis! thank you mate! now i will try to get some day a PA :P (kidding) (well, not really)
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