Con la novedad (no tan nueva) que fui nominad0 en 2 categorías en los Designer Toy Awards organizado por la revista Clutter en el primer evento de premios que reconoce a lo mas destacado del art toy, la primer nominación es como mejor customizador, y la segunda como lo que se traduciría como Artista revelación del año. (aunque ya tengo 3 años en esto)
Si cuento la nominación del Greasebat de Jeff Lamm como mejor toy del año, (que como saben yo me encargue de la escultura) son tres nominaciones! Por supuesto no espero ganar, el hecho de estar en el papel junto a artistas como Doktor A, Angry Woebots, Gary Ham, Jason Freeny, Mc Bess, Scott Tolleson, Jryu, 64 colors, Chris Ryniak, K. Gosselin, Map Map, Leecifer, Rotobox, Scribe, Yoskay Yamamoto y muchos otros ya es un gustazo.
Hay algunas categorías abiertas en las que se puede votar, pero no en ninguna de las que yo estoy nominado. para la mayoría hay un jurado de expertos como el fundador de Kidrobot; Paul Budnitz, el fundador de Toy2R; Raymond Choy, y artistas de la talla de Nathan Jurevicious, Ron English, Madl, Brandt Peters, Huck Gee, SketOne, Jesse Hernandez, Brian Flynn, Tim Tsui , Eric So y muchos mas, como galerias y expertos bloggers.
Lo mas atractivo de la premiación es que el trofeo fue diseñado por el legendario Pete Fowler :D
Im so thrilled that im nominated on two categories of the Designer Toy Awards Best customizer and Break Through Artist of the year (3 nominations if i count my participation on the Jeff Lamm, Greasebat that i sculpt, nominated as Best Toy of the year!)
Will be hard to win and i really I aint expecting to, but its a honor just to be there among such big names and talented friends.
Wont be easy for the board of professional judges! almost 50 names from all of the art toy scene, from Kid Robot founder Paul Budnitz, Toy2R founder Raymond Choy, thru artists like Nathan Jurevicious, Ron English, Madl, Brandt Peters, Huck Gee, SketOne, Jesse Hernandez, Brian Flynn, Tim Tsui , Eric So and many more from galleries, and expert bloggers.
Official Info:
Clutter Magazine is very excited to announce the first annual International Designer Toy Awards (DTA) - Hosted in San Diego, California at the SDCC 2011.
The Designer Toy Awards celebrates the creativity, innovation and artistic excellence in the Art Toy market, which after more than a decade has not only become a prominent and legitimate form of artistic and commercial expression, it is one of the leaders in global trendsetting. This award ceremony will celebrate the best of the industry’s artists, designers, customizers and manufacturers, as well as honoring those involved in championing Art Toys throughout the world.
The awards will have two components. First, a carefully selected board of professional artists, producers and impresarios will choose a group of nominations from the many designs released over the past year.
And secondly, there are an entire group of awards chosen by YOU! Yes thats right, The DTA PUBLIC awards feature special categories that are open to the general public for popular voting. Stay tuned for more details!