Aca van algunas pocas pics del evento, si quieren ver un monton de fotos mas y cada uno de los customs además de reportajes chidos de como estuvo el evento, dense una vuelta por:
Les agradezco mucho los comentarios tan chidos de mi "Papi Cranston"
Heres some cool shots from the "When the Hell Freezes Over" show at My plastic heart... the shots are cortesy from: Benny from "Tenacious Toys", Sakiwaki from "I Heart Love Stuff"and Steve "Sketchguy"Talkowski.
You can check each and every custom and different Chronicles of the event at:I Heart Cool Stuff, Tenacious Toys, Tomopop, Sketchguy flickr or in Spanky Stokes
Txs to all for the nice comments about "Papi Cranston" those make my week.
sorry to remove the post "123" but your "adult" link, was out of place, anyways txs for the comment
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